Case 20.002 | “There’s a Good Reason These Tables are Numbered”
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Case 20-002 | 003
The freaking stare that Maddy and Kalli are giving each other in that last panel? You’re welcome.
Case 20-002 | 009
“Hello? Can I get everyone’s attention? Thank you! Alright, my name’s Alfie Lam (you can call me Chief), and I’m assistant head of Project Security. We are aware of the current crisis at hand and want to let you know that we’re handling it at the most optimal method we have. Police are on the way. Meanwhile, to keep anyone from leaving with any stolen belongings, we’ve temporarily put the building under lockdown until higher authorities arrive. If you have any questions or concerns, ask anyone wearing a vest like mine…and a smile better than mine.”
Case 20-002 | 018
You ever go to the bathroom, come back and your waiter’s maybe a ninja now? It’s that kind of night.